Dr. Mohammed Hilal Gatea Dr. Haider Shaheed Mohammed Dr. Ali Abed Saadoon Tabarek Yaser Zahraa Zuhair


Background: Physicians and other clinicians considered to be at high risk for burnout due to the effect of the nature of
the healthcare environment with its packed work days, demanding pace, time pressures, and emotional intensity on the
wellbeing and productivity of the medical practitioners. Aim: Assessment of the physician burnout prevalence and
determinants Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study, done in Thi-Qar Governorate, Iraq. The data collection
was done from the 14th of January to 20th of July, 2022, conducted among 600 physicians from all health sectors and
hospitals in Thi-Qar, Iraq. Study includes specialists and general practitioners working in Thi-Qar Health Directorate.
Junior doctors, residents, postgraduate and retired doctors were excluded from study. A self-administered questionnaire
form was used to identify burnout among doctors was based on the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Which is a
validated 22-item questionnaire reflected the criterion standard device for measuring burnout Results:
Depersonalization was found out to be the highest in percentage among physicians. Physicians who scored high in the
personal accomplishment were 19%, which means that 81% of physicians does not consider themselves accomplished
enough. The percentage of physicians who had a final score that indicate burnout were 4.7%, There was found an
association between the daily working hours and personal accomplishment score, the P value was 0.016. Physicians
who scored a high PA score were 30% among those who worked ten hours or more every day while the percentage of
physicians who scored high PA score among those who worked from six to nine hours and less than six hours were
8.8% and 15.4% respectively. There was found a relationship between Emotional Exhaustion and Years of experience,
the P value was 0.039. Where the highest percentage of physicians who had a EE score was found among physicians
who had the lesser years of experience 16.7%. Conclusion: Depersonalization among physicians was highest. >3/4 of
physicians does not consider themselves accomplished enough. Only nearly 5% physicians who had a final score that
indicate burnout. daily working hours associated with personal accomplishment score.. Physicians with a high PA score
about one third among those who worked ten hours or more every day while the percentage of physicians who scored
high PA score among those who worked less than nine hours collectively were about only one quarter of the total .
Emotional Exhaustion related statistically to Years of experience. Highest percentage of physicians who had an EE
score was found among physicians who had the lesser years of experience.


Cum cităm
The Prevalence of Burnout Among Physicians in Thi-Qar Governorate: 2021 – 2022. (2022). Clinical Medicine and Medical Research, 3(3), 148-152. https://clinicalmedicine.in/index.php/cmmr/article/view/68

Cum cităm

The Prevalence of Burnout Among Physicians in Thi-Qar Governorate: 2021 – 2022. (2022). Clinical Medicine and Medical Research, 3(3), 148-152. https://clinicalmedicine.in/index.php/cmmr/article/view/68